
Dr. Mehmet Yurdal ŞAHİN

General Manager of Incentive Implementation and Foreign Capital General Directorate

He was born in Kirşehir in 1968. He graduated from Kirşehir High School in 1985 and from Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture in 1989. She completed her PhD education at the same university with a master's degree and a thesis on State Aid and Co-operative-joint Relations in Taris Zeytin and Olive oil Agriculture Sales Cooperatives.

In 1993, he took the exam opened by the Undersecretariat of Treasury and Foreign Trade and served as Assistant Treasury Specialist. In 1996, he was assigned to the Treasury Specialist by giving the Expert Qualification Exam. From 1993 to 2001, he served as an expert assistant, expert and branch manager in the Directorate General of Incentive and Implementation. Between 2001-2010, the Head of the Department of the same General Directorate and the Undersecretariat of the Treasury between 2010-2011 and between 2011-2018 (February), he served as Deputy General Manager of the Ministry of Economics Incentive Application and Foreign Capital General Directorate, and since February 2018, he has been acting as the General Manager of Incentive Implementation and Foreign Capital General Directorate he serves as.

There are books, articles and research published on state aid, agriculture and agricultural industry. He has also represented Turkey in meetings on state aid and investment environment policies implemented in our country for foreign investors abroad many times.
He also served as a member of the Tax Council between 2017-2020.


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